

  • Regional calibration of hybrid ground‐motion simulations in moderate seismicity areas: application to the upper Rhine Graben, Hoby N. T. Razafindrakoto; Fabrice Cotton; Dino Bindi; Marco Pilz; Robert W. Graves; Sanjay Bora, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2021) 111 (3): 1422–1444. Access publication 
  • The effect of seismic sequences in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis,N. Šipčić, M. Kohrangi, A. N. Papadopoulos, W.Marzocchi, P. Bazzurro, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2022) Access Publication
  • Advanced numerical simulation and modeling for reactor safety – contributions from the CORTEX, McSAFER, and METIS projects, Christophe Demazière, Victor Hugo Sanchez-Espinoza and Irmela Zentner, Euratom Research and Training in 2022: challenges, achievements and future perspectives (2022) Access publication 
  • A preliminary evaluation of using hazard-consistent real and simulated ground motions for structural response assessment, Pablo García de Quevedo Iñarritu, Nevena Sipcic, Luis Alvarez Sanchez, Mohsen Kohrangi , Paolo Bazzurro, Progresses in
    European Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2022)
  • A comparison of three scalar intensity measures for nonstructural
    component assessment of nuclear powerplants, Angeliki Gerontati, Dimitrios Vamvatsikos, Progresses in European Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2022)
  • Intensity measure transformation of fragility curves for 2D buildings using simplified models, Nikolaos Karaferis, Dimitrios Vamvatsikos, Progresses in European Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2022)
  • Long Short-Term Memory Networks for prediction of earthquake demand parameter time series in seismic fragility analysis, Konstantin Goldschmidt, Progresses in European Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2022)
  • Empirical shaking scenarios for Europe: a feasibility study, Bindi, D., Zaccarelli, R., Razafindrakoto, H., Yen, M.-H., Cotton, F. Geophysical Journal International, 232, 2, 990-1005. (2023) Access Publication
  • A closer look at hazard consistent ground motion record selection for building specific risk assessment: Effect of soil characteristics and accelerograms’ scaling, Pablo Garcı´a de Quevedo In˜arritu , Nevena Sˇ ipcˇic´, Luis Alvarez-Sanchez , Mohsen Kohrangi , and Paolo Bazzurro Earthquake Spectra (2023)


  • Validation and verification of nonlinear mechanical models for nuclear buildings and equipment: an application, Thomas Langlade, Thomas Heitz, Alexis Courtois, François Voldoire, Special Session: Challenges and recent advances from European Research Projects (2022) Access publication 
  • Innovative approaches for Seismic Fragility Analysis within METIS project, Goldschmidt, K., Sadegh-Azar, H., Sevbo, O., Richard, B., A. Garcia de Quevedo Iñarritu, P., Bazzurro, P., Vamvatsikos, D. Special Session: Challenges and recent advances from European Research Projects (2022) Access Publication 
  • Relevant intensity measures for seismic damage prediction with artificial neural networks, Konstantin Goldschmidt, Mani Mohtasham Miavaghi, Hamid Sadegh-Azar Special Session: Challenges and recent advances from European Research Projects (2022) Access Publication
  • Metis Project: GEM’s Contributions to the Hazard Work Package, Pagani, R. Styron, M. Villani, K. Johnson, M. Simionato (2024) Access Publication
  • Framework to Introduce Site Response in Seismic Risk Assessment and Application to METIS Case Study, Alves Fernandes, M. Korres, I. Zentner (2024) Access Publication
  • Simulation Of A Scenario Database Of Synthetic Ground Motions For Site-Specific Earthquake Response, L.G. Alvarez Sanchez, I. Zentner (2024) Access Publication
  • Importance Of Hazard-Consistent Record Selection For The Risk Assessment Of NPP Components, Sipcic, P.A. De Quevedo Iñarritu, M. Kohrangi, P. Bazzurro (2024) Access Publication
  • Rigorous Bayesian Approach To Develop Maximum Magnitudes Distributions For PSHA Computations, Zentner, E. Viallet (2024) Access Publication
  • Evaluation Of Aftershocks Impact On Seismic Safety Of Power Plants Based On Experience Feedback, Fathabadi, H. Sadegh-Azar (2024) Access Publication
  • Implementation And Benchmarking Of Cs Approach(Es) For Nuclear Safety Assessments, I. Zentner, M. Talaat, M. Pagani, P. Bazzurro (2024) Access Publication
  • From PGA To Anything: Fragility Curve Conversions For Nuclear Power Plant Applications, N.D. Karaferis, A.V. Gerontati, D. Vamvatsikos (2024) Access Publication
  • A Bare-Bones Nuclear Power Plant Case Study To Test Uncertainty Propagation And Correlation Effects, A. Gerontati, N. Karaferis, D. Vamvatsikos, P. Bazzurro, C. Droszcz (2024) Access Publication
  • Fragility Modeling Of Nuclear Power Plants’ Components: Intensity Measures And Analysis Set-Up, G. Triantafyllou, I. Zentner, M. Kohrangi, A. Khemakhem, V. Alves-Fernandes, P. Bazzurro (2024) Access Publication