The METIS project will be hosting the METIS Spring School on Open-Source Tools for Seismic Risk, in-person, at Historical & Folklore Museum, Aegina, Greece on 28-30 April 2025.
The Spring School will dive into the METIS case study and open-source tools with expert speakers, the Spring School is free, on-site, and open to all those interested in seismic risk.
The METIS project will be hosting the project’s Final Symposium on 21 May 2025 at Paris-Saclay. More information here.
The training session focused on advances in seismic PSA.
The METIS project was present at the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE 2024) in the Technical Session ‘Advances in the seismic hazard and risk assessment of nuclear power plants’ on Wednesday 3 July, 09:00 – 12:00 CEST.
The upcoming World Conference for Earthquake Engineering in 2024 from June 30th – July 5th in Milan.
METIS will be present in the framework of a special session organized by partners NTUA, IUSS, EDF.
The Training School will focus on training for engineers in NPP
The SMiRT 27 (Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology) will be held in person in Yokohama, Japan.
The conference is the major event for structural mechanics and earthquake engineering in the nuclear sector and METIS will be present to share recent results and developments with the nuclear community.
This Plenary meeting was held in Italy.
It was hosted by our partner GEM and will be held at Centro Congressi Giovanni.
A site-specific seismic hazard assessment workshop took place on 14-15th November 2023 in Bergamo, Italy.
Hosted by our partner GEM and held at Centro Congressi Giovanni.
This conference will be organised by the French earthquake engineering association on November 7th -10th 2023
EDF (M. Korres) presents his work on 3D physics-based simulation approach to simulate seismic wave propagation from source to the structure.
More information here.
METIS partners will participate in this Conference organised by the UK Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics.
More information here.
A seismic hazard, fragility summer school will take place in Germany in Aug 23.
It will be hosted by our partner TUK.
The METIS project proposes a series of webinars covering topics of interest relating to innovation in tools and methods for seismic risk assessment of nuclear power plants.
PSHA (Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment) Testing webinar Graeme Weatherill from our partners GFZ will present the new PSHA Testing toolkit for comparing PSHA results to observations.
Further information here
An International conference on Structural Dynamics will be held in Delft, Netherlands
M. Korres (EDF) will present work carried out in WP5 related to the implementation of a massively parallel FEM resolution for conducting 3D site response analysis in the framework of domain reduction methods with weak coupling of SEM3D spectral element code and FEM with code_aster.
More information here.
The METIS project proposes a series of webinars covering topics of interest relating to innovation in tools and methods for seismic risk assessment of nuclear power plants.
New tools in OpenQuake Engine webinar” Marco Pagani from our partner GEM (Global Earthquake Model Foundation) will give a presentation on new and improved tools for PSHA implemented in the OQ Engine in the context of the METIS project.
Further information here
The next training school will take place at the RPTU premises in Kaiserslautern (Germany) from June 22nd and 23rd 2023.
More information here.
It will be hosted by our partner TUK.
The METIS project proposes a series of webinars covering topics of interest relating to innovation in tools and methods for seismic risk assessment of nuclear power plants.
The first webinar will be the introductory webinar where METIS project coordinator Irmela Zentner will present this first webinar to give an overview of this project including key achievements to date.
Further information here
The next Plenary meeting will take place at the campus of the Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität in Kaiserslautern, Germany.
The next METIS plenary meeting will take place from the 20th June to the 21st June 2023.
Exciting news for earthquake resilience! GEM is set to release new global earthquake hazard and risk models, maps, and databases, and discover the latest Turkey earthquake impact insights at an international conference on June 13th. More information here
On February 9 and 14 2023, an aftershock workshop was organised with participation of EAB and METIS consortium (contributions from all technical WPs.) The workshop was held remote only and allowed to define and refine the final strategy for considering aftershocks in PRA.
The next Plenary meeting will be held in Paris
The next METIS plenary meeting will take place from the 15th of November to the 16th of November 2022. The venue will be a the “Maison de la Recherche”.
On Friday, October 21st, a workshop dedicated to METIS PRA tools will be organized in the framework of METIS WP7.
The workshop will take place at EDF Lab Paris – Saclay (7 bvd Gaspard Monge, 911120 Palaiseau, France).
The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ECEE) and Seismology took place in Bucharest, Romania from 4th to 9th September 2022.
SMIRT26 (26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology) is to be held from July 10th-15th 2022 at Potsdam/Berlin, Germany. The conference is co-organised by one of the METIS partners, the University of Kaiserslautern and is an in-person event. METIS will be present in the special session dedicated to Challenges and recent advances of EU and international research projects.
The Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation and Scuola Universitaria Superiore (IUSS) di Pavia – in the context of the METIS – jointly organized a summer school on probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA). The school, tailored to PhD and postdoctoral students, took place at the GEM premises in Pavia from June 20th and June 23rd, 2022. About twenty students from European (e.g., Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, North Macedonia, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom) and overseas universities (e.g., Saudi Arabia, Canada) successfully attended the event.
This was the second Code_Aster training session dedicated to seismic analysis. This was held onsite at EDF R&D Paris – Saclay.
The METIS Summer School on Seismic Fragility, was held at Athens (Greece). It was organised by the Institute of Steel Structures at the Zografou Campus of the National Technical University of Athens.
The first day focused on methodologies and approaches for seismic fragility assessment, especially as it pertains to high-importance infrastructure, such as nuclear power plants. Issues of record and intensity-measure selection, as well as industry-standard approaches will be discussed.
The second day comprised practical sessions with hands-on training via Excel, Matlab, and Python, using simple tools to perform data-fitting and derive fragilities.
The 3rd METIS plenary meeting took place from June 6th – 7th in Athens, Greece, hosted by partner NTUA. The first day of the meeting, the WP leaders presented their updates and milestones while the second day was dedicated to working meetings and technical focus sessions on site response analysis, aftershocks in PRA and METIS case study.
This meeting presented an overview of scientific results obtained in the program, their impact on current seismic hazard assessment and earthquake engineering practice, and perspectives for future developments.
The Euratom Conferences FISA 2022 – EURADWASTE ’22, organized by the French Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Commission, will take place from 30 May to 3 June 2022 in Lyon, France. The main objective is to present progress and key achievements of the Euratom research and training projects carried out since 2019 and to stimulate discussions on the state of play of research and innovations, challenges, and opportunities, as well as exploring future perspectives.
General introduction to code with sessions dedicated to nonlinearities and structural elements modelling.
On 26 February 2022, a workshop dedicated to PSA theory and Andromeda-SCRAM tutorial in the framework of METIS WP7. The workshop was organized as a hybrid event, with remote and onsite participation at EDF Lab Paris – Saclay, France
This was the second plenary meeting, following the first one that was held fully virtually in April 2021. It was a hybrid project meeting (mix of in-person and virtual participants) held over two days 22nd-23rd November 2021 and attended by 50 participants. Since the start of the project, this is the first meeting which has been held in-person.