Join us for an interactive and insightful webinar series!


The METIS project proposes a series of webinars covering topics of interest relating to innovation in tools and methods for seismic risk assessment of nuclear power plants.

Speakers for upcoming webinars:

These webinars are open for anyone to join, each will last for 45 minutes, with a presentation on a topic followed by a Q&A session. All webinars will be held online, via Microsoft Teams. Register your interest here.

Did you know? METIS is a Horizon 2020 project whose mission is to develop and improve tools and methodologies employed in seismic safety assessments of nuclear reactors and translate this research into practice for industry use.

 Upcoming webinars (all Paris timezones):

  • 21/06/23 13:30-14:15 CET: Introductory webinar METIS project coordinator Irmela Zentner will present this first webinar to give an overview of this project including key achievements to date.
  • 30/06/23 12:00-12:45 CET: New tools in OpenQuake Engine webinar” Marco Pagani from our partner GEM (Global Earthquake Model Foundation) will give a presentation on new and improved tools for PSHA implemented in the OQ Engine in the context of the METIS project.
  • 07/07/23 12:00-12:45 CET: PSHA (Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment) Testing webinar Graeme Weatherill from our partners GFZ will present the new PSHA Testing toolkit for comparing PSHA results to observations. 

After the summer break, there will be even more webinars covering the following topics: Code_aster implementation of case study, Aftershock Testbed and CS-approach: tools & applications. Further details to follow.