1st Plenary meeting kick off 15th April 2021


On 15th April, we had a successful 1st Plenary meeting. The meeting gathered up to 80 attendees and allowed for fruitful exchanges between project partners, advisory board and end users group. 

EDF’s project coordinator Irmela Zentner introduced the meeting and welcomed the participants. She also summarised the work packages progress, especially WP1, WP2 and WP3. All the work packages leaders presented first achievements and outlined the next steps.

In particular, the following topics were presented and discussed:

  • Modelling of aftershocks in seismic risk assessments (seismicity models & multivariate hazard, time dependant fragility, multi-hazard system analyses)
  • Scenario based ground motion simulation to develop extreme event databases with time histories for nonlinear structural analyses
  • Criteria and approaches for hazard consistent ground motion selection (recorded and simulated databases) were presented.

*copyright of Wikipedia (image of METIS)