The METIS Summer School on Seismic Fragility, will be held in person at Athens (Greece) from 8th to 9th June 2022. It will be organised by the Institute of Steel Structures at the Zografou Campus of the National Technical University of Athens. The school will span two days. The first focuses on methodologies and approaches for seismic fragility assessment, especially as it pertains to high-importance infrastructure, such as nuclear power plants. Issues of record and intensity-measure selection, as well as industry-standard approaches will be discussed. The second day will comprise practical sessions with hands-on training via Excel, Matlab, and Python, using simple tools to perform data-fitting and derive fragilities.
The School is targeted at PhD/Master students and other early career researchers. The participation to the school is free. Participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation costs, and bring their own laptops. The maximum number of participants is 20.
Applications to the summer school can be submitted by e-mail to Mrs. E. Vourlakou (lambdalab.ntua@gmail.com). The application deadline is May 15th, 2022.