METIS Final Symposium

The METIS project will be organising its final event of the project on 21 May 2025 at Paris-Saclay, hosted by EDF R&D.

The day will be dedicated to presenting the METIS project’s outcomes and results from the last five years which have sought to develop tools and methodologies (mainly the Probabilistic Safety Assessment methodology) used in seismic safety assessments of nuclear reactors which can be applied to industry. By aiming to provide more accurate evaluations of nuclear power plant resilience under different seismic conditions, the day will also harness new outlooks on further research needs looking beyond the project.

More information on the event, including an agenda will be coming soon!


Agenda coming soon!

Speakers will include:

  • The METIS consortium and METIS EUG and METIS EAB:
    • Zeynep Gulerce (IAEA),
    • Nilesh Chokshi (retired from USNRC),
    • John Richards (EPRI),
    • Masato Nakajima (CRIEPI, tbc),
    • Manuel Pellisetti (Framatome),
    • Emmanuel Viallet (EDF),
    • Abdou Al Mazouzi (EDF, SNETP representative), Pascal Charles (EDF).